
Head of Energy Economics and Forecasting Department, GECF

Participating session
Session 3
Topic: Investment opportunities and experience in the development of blocks in the Caspian Sea

Dmitry Sokolov has been Head of Energy Economics and Forecasting Department (EEFD) at Gas Exporting Countries Forum since December 2015. At the GECF, Mr Sokolov is responsible for developing views on the gas market development by projecting supply and demand figures into the future to obtain better understanding of the mid- and long-term gas sector trends and providing quantitative assessment of the impact of policies, regulations, investments and commercial decisions, thorough analysis and utilization of specialized energy and gas forecasting models. More specifically, Mr Sokolov is responsible for supervising long-term gas market Outlook development process based on various scenario assumptions, GECF Global Gas Model (GGM) runs and regular updates of the data and constraints of GGM, as well as development of econometrical long and medium term forecasting sub-model related to macroeconomics and energy sector to complement GECF GGM. Prior to the GECF, Mr Sokolov worked for four years as Researcher at the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC)/ The Institute of Energy Economic, Japan (IEEJ). In 2006-2009, Mr Sokolov worked for three years as International Researcher at the Korea Energy Economics Institute (KEEI).